Warning: fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /home/kir710283/public_html/docs/common/classes/clsSession.inc on line 207 Shared Houses Featured on Ikebukuro, Korakuen, Sugamo, Available Now or Soon, Special Offer, Soundproof. | Guest House Bank
Shared Houses Featured on Ikebukuro, Korakuen, Sugamo, Available Now or Soon, Special Offer, Soundproof. Narrow your results by location and feature. Sort by price, vacancies, and new is also helpful.
Minimum stay is 6 months.To Ikebukuro Station is 1 station away(7 minutes) . This share house in Tokyo is safe for women, and has a free music studio, free ...
3,000 yen monthly rent subsidy for women.
13 mins to the North Exit in Kami-Itabashi Sta on the Tobu-Tojo Line on foot.
Minimum stay is 6 months. This share house offers a free music studio, bicycle parking, and a courtyard, conveniently located just one station (7 minutes) aw...
3,000 yen monthly rent subsidy for women.
13 mins to the NorthExit in Kami-Itabashi Sta on the Tobu-Tojo Line on foot.
Minimum stay is 6-months. This share house provides a tranquil living environment on a 400+ square meter property within Tokyo's 23 wards. It's conveniently ...
3,000 yen monthly rent subsidy for women.
13 mins to the North Exit in Kami-Itabashi Sta on the Tobu-Tojo Line on foot.