About the general disclaimer of Guest House Bank, known as a searching site for shared houses.

Guest House Bank

General Disclaimer

  • Information about apartments, houses, and rooms in Guest House Bank is informed by managers of the properties and real estate companies. We strive for accuracy and trust in the information; however, we make no guarantee about the information. When you make a deal with them, you are responsible for confirming the information and a contract.
  • If a user informs that there is a wrong information in the website, We, GHB Co., Ltd, would investigate the information and may delete or correct it. We are not responsible for the wrong information. Moreover, we do not inform about investigating, discussing with the managers, and deleting or correcting the information.
  • We, GHB Co., Ltd, do not run following businesses: real estate, and brokerage.
  • Because we only provide a medium, we are not responsible for the following: a trouble between the users and real estate agents, and a trouble between occupants and real estate agents. Even if a trouble is caused by our deleting or correcting an information, we would not be responsible for it.
  • We are not responsible for a phone call, a fax, and an email from real estate agencies. Besides, even if a computer virus is included in the website, an email from us, and an email from real estate agencies, we are not responsible for it.
  • In Guest House Bank there might be hyperlinks to external websites, but we do not manage those external websites. Therefore we do not take responsibility for any damages caused by the external websites.
  • Contents and services in Guest House Bnak can be altered and stopped without notice any time we consider it is needed. We are not responsible for any damages caused by those cases.
  • Even if any information about apartments and rooms in Guest House Bank is inserted by real estate agencies without the owners' permission, we would not be responsible for any damages and troubles caused by the information.
  • We follow "Privacy Policy" that we provide. See "Privacy Policy" for details.

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